Procedures Procedures for both substances (crack and freebase cocaine) are based on the fact that while cocaine (regular cocaine) requires a high temperature to ignite, base cocaine requires a much lower temperature to ignite. This makes it ideal for smoking. These methods are based on personal experience and information found in an out of print book called the cocaine handbook, by David Lee.
A truly excellent book, and a must-have for any coke user. Refs at the end of this article.
How To Make Crack (common street method) This is the most common method, but pretty rough to be honest and not the best way to get the best product. Get a spoon and mix 2 -3 parts of cocaine hydrochloride (regular cocaine) to 1 part in 20 ml of water. (Some say 3-1, others say 2-1: best to start smaller and add a bit more if needed) Heat solution gently (with a lighter) until white precipitates form, and stop heating when precipitation stops. After gentle heating, the freebase cocaine will float to the top, any excess soda will settle on the bottom. Just collect the compound that rises to the top, and you have the finished product, it is ready to use. Note that what you’re trying to do is start and sustain a chemical reaction (bonding the hydrochloride with the base-soda) so as long as the reaction is happening you don’t have to continue heating. Dig this dudes crack pipe!