Free Online Foreign Language Courses

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Free Online Foreign Language Courses

Free Online Foreign Language Courses

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably just recently decided to throw caution to the wind and, traumatic high school Spanish finals be damned. Or maybe you’re in the midst of, and your mission has been a fruitless journey of online translators and trying to navigate your Facebook timeline in Yiddish. Either way, congratulations! You’ve just stumbled upon the most epic list of online language courses. You no longer need to slam your face QWERTY-style out of frustration, begging the polyglot gods to give you some kind of direction for your linguistic quest. These courses will give you a roadmap to language learning success. If you’re wondering what distinguishes an online course from the plethora of other resources online, it’s that a course contains lessons, modules, or quizzes–some kind of structure that newbies () need to help them weave into context. Eleven